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How archive storage benefits your business?


Updated: Sep 26, 2023

The countless papers eating up space in your cupboards is nothing new. But how often have you put down the prospect of hiring an archive storage company in Perth? Many times. The thought of storing your business documents in a remote facility is unsettling but has benefits that outweigh the fears.

How? Let’s find out.

Herein, in this blog, we will share with you the benefits of having archive storage for your business:

1. Optimal use of office space

The office warehouse which was supposed to store products has multiple rows filled with files and boxes full of papers? It is not a pleasant site but a reality of most businesses. This is not effective utilisation of the office space and hence having a separate, off-site facility for secure storage of documents in Perth is practical and gives you complete peace of mind as well.

Not to mention, your office looks neat and tidy that leaves a good impression on your clients.

2. Safe storage

Data breach is a reality and to overcome that, companies have come with multi-layer security checks. You can eliminate every iota of data theft risk with a facility that stores your documents and files —no longer in active use or are too sensitive to keep under the prying eyes of the employees.

Also, an independent storage facility ensures only authorised people get access to your business records. You are saving yourself from all the headache that comes with data security measures,

3. Extra protection from fire-related accidents

There are special arrangements made to keep your business documents suffer from accidental fire and water leaks. Small or bulk storage, the archive facilities are well lit and have adequate ventilation to keep paper documents protected for as long as you want.

A dedicated off-site archive takes full responsibility of your business documents and thus you can be stress-free. You can have the weekend off or other holidays but your documents will be safely stored.

4. Better document management

An archive storage facility provides organised space for your business files, no matter if they are in large numbers. You can easily locate and retrieve documents without spending much of your precious time.

An efficient process that cuts down the time on sifting through hundreds of documents. The benefits may not be immediately visible but you’ll feel the difference with employees spending more time on productive tasks and decisions being made faster than before.

5. Cost-friendly

Time is money and if your employees are undertaking the laborious task of document management for hours, their real potential is not effectively utilised. Archive storage boxes can be delivered to your site, as and when requested. So, you do not have to rely on a 3rd party company for delivery.

Also, if you need to dispose of some documents you no longer need, our confidential document shredding services take care of the exhausting task. The dual benefits of archive storage and paper shredding makes CDD a popular choice in Perth.

Share your archive storage requirements with us at 0458 088 000 or

You can also reach out using an online form.

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